The main panel shows the tamers that give a sack of pet supplies as a reward.
Daily Tamer Check Tracks the completion of daily tamer quests. Annene Annene is an addon that rearranges the pet battle interface so that everything is now in one place (centered under the battle) rather than UI elements at both the top and bottom of your screen. Its primary purpose is to store and recall battle pets (and their teammates) for various targets. Rematch Rematch is an addon to help create, store, recall and share battle pet teams. Includes tabs for Family Familiar, Family Fighter, Family Brawler, Family Battler, and Family Exorcist. Family Familiar Helper A quick and easy way to keep track of achievements necessary for the "Family " meta-achievements. Also displays your team as well as your opponent's team for each match. This can be done either manually or automatically. PetBattleLogKeeper Save and display full logs of both PVP and PVE pet battle encounters with PetBattleLogKeeper.
Health percentage on active pets in encounters, and important health thresholds are just a couple of changes added that can help enhance the battling experience.
Battle Pet Battle UI Tweaks Battle Pet Battle UI Tweaks is a lightweight addon that adds some quality-of-life improvements to the pet battling UI. Provides an LDB feed, tooltips, and progress bar. It will tell you how likely you are to obtain the item, track how long you've been farming for it, etc. Rarity This addon tracks how many chances you've had to obtain various rare items throughout the game. It automatically alerts you whenever a rare mob is near. NPCScan This addon is perfect for collecting pets dropped by rare mobs, such as the baby raptors.
It tells you if there are no rares in the pet(s) you're battling and lets you hit 'Escape' to cancel the fight, rather than having to click the white flag and then click the confirmation dialog.
Cancel Pet Fight A handy addon for hunting rare pets. Perfect for anyone seeking a specific breed of battle pet. Battle Pet BreedID Battle Pet BreedID is a standalone addon that will display the Breed of any pet when in battle, in your Pet Journal, and in pet item tooltips (both in your bags and in the auction house). It displays the locations of all pets on the world map, tracks all pets you have still to catch in a given zone, displays all your enemies and allies abilities as you fight, and it even suggests which is the most appropriate pet for your current enemy. PetTracker This addon does several things. For help installing, see WoW Interface's FAQ. The World of Warcraft community has created a variety of top-notch mods for small pet enthusiasts.